A teacher at heart. We love workshops & retreats.

Miriam has been teaching formal and experiential education for more than 20 years. Her goal is to inspire others to be better at what they do. Working with professional teams is an extension of the original classroom. Take a look at sample workshops and sessions she has run recently. Be in touch to work with Miriam to craft the right workshops and trainings for your team.

Work with Schools

  • Admission + Marketing: Why Working Together is Better

  • Admission 101: Getting started

  • AI + Admission: Work smarter, not harder

  • Parent Communication: How to communicate simply and effectively (and avoid hysteria)

  • Retention: Basics & Best Practice

  • Retention Refresher (3 part series)

  • Strategic Meetings - Using the calendar to communicate, lead and learn

  • Telling Your School’s Story

  • The Dream Team: Principal & Admission Professional

  • Building a Burnout Free Team

Workplace Culture

  • Board Training & Retreats

  • Building Our Team’s Mission Statement

  • Conflict Norming: Disagreeing in a Productive Way

  • Emerging from Covid: Reintroduction to each other & rededication

  • Making the Ask

  • Meeting Models: Making the Most of Our Time

  • Personalities at work: Knowing ourselves and how we work best

  • Working Smart and Safe: Psychological Safety at Work

  • 8 Days a Week: Using our calendar to work smart

  • Teamwork Makes the Dreamwork: Principles of Teamwork (and why it’s a competitive advantage)

Board Trainings

  • Board Basics

  • Seeing our Mission Like You’ve Never Seen It

  • How to Set An Agenda, Run That Meeting and Keep People Engaged

  • Setting Priorities When It’s All Important

  • Whose Line is it Anyway? Staff Conversation vs. Board Conversation

Working Genius Team Workshops: 

THe most effective, immediately applicable and intuitive productivity tool is one click away.

Created by leadership expert Patrick Lencioni, The 6 Types of Working Genius is the fastest and simplest way to evaluate and leverage your team’s talents to improve productivity, engagement, and morale. Understanding this philosophy will give your team a common language and framework around how work gets done, tapping into unrealized team talent, and improving meeting effectiveness. As a result, everyone comes away with grace for others and a greater appreciation for what they bring to the table. 

When a whole team does this exercise, we are able to quickly identify:

  • Gaps in the team

  • Where past projects have failed

  • Why some employees are frustrated or burned out

 When we shed light on this, we are able to almost immediately:​

  • Increase productivity, morale, and speed of recovery

  • Shift responsibilities so people can primarily work in their areas of genius, which will reduce frustration and burnout

  • Reduce the guilt of ourselves and judgment of others

​Working Genius team sessions include: customized individual reports, pre and post-session leader debriefs, a map of your team’s strengths and weaknesses, in-depth overview of the model, a team map debrief to leverage talent and productivity, simple and practical approaches to more effective meetings and projects, and program review and planning with this new philosophy under our belt.

The Working Genius Process

  •  Each team member takes an online assessment, which takes 10-15 minutes 

  • Miriam will receive the results and create a Team Map for each team 

  • Miriam will meet with the department head to preview the Team Map, and discuss how to best frame the session together 

  • On site or Distance 1/2 day workshop to learn the model, review individual results, team map, and start to apply immediately to real-world projects.