Developing individualized recruitment and retention strategies through a comprehensive mapping of your institution’s value proposition, participant needs, and potential markets, leading to increased admission funnel and yield.
Managing International student certification process
Mentoring of admission professionals
Working with admission professionals to resell your school to current families ensuring stronger retention rates in high-risk attrition years (PreK-K; 5th-6th; 8th-9th)
Rethinking the school tour, highlighting school value through school facilities and campus features
Collaborating with school and camp leadership to strengthen each department's work with admission, creating a culture of admission.
Admission process audit
Communication audit
Exploration of potential enrollment growth and how to get there
Phase 1: Research and audits through focus groups and one-on-one conversations with community stakeholders, feeder institutions, parents who are enrolled, parents who are not enrolled, and other relevant community members. We come back to you with recommendations on strategic enrollment, marketing and messaging campaigns.
Phase 2: Coaching admission and marketing professionals to implement strategic changes.
Results: Marketing campaign, enrollment plan and consistent strong enrollment for your school.
5 Workshops for any team members covering:
1. Admission Criteria:
- Who is the ideal family to enroll and how do we find them?
- Who have been successful - and unsuccessful - families during the enrollment process?
- How can we replicate that and be selective, while still serving the right families for our school?
2. Professionalizing the Tour + Visit Experience
- Reframing the tour by understanding "Features vs. Benefits"
- Looking at the giveaways we give out - is it representative of what we want families to have?
3. Marketing Language
- Consistent messaging, clear messaging
- What are the three words we want people to walk away with after visiting on a tour?
- How do we incorporate that into social media posts?
4. Internal Meetings Tune Up
- Are we having the right meetings at the right times with the right people
- How can we be sure that we are using our internal time effectively?
5. Looking at the Calendar
- What should we be doing in each season and month of the year?
- What events are best at which times of the year?
- What events should be rethought or reworked?
Let’s work together to assess your company’s strategic needs and how to implement them.
Coaching of individual staff, from entry level through senior executive and board level, short-term and long-term
Planning and facilitating retreat workshops focused on collaboration and team building
Collaborating with leadership and current staff to identify areas for growth particular to your institution
Hosting weekly/monthly group training sessions to help keep your organization on track
How to get started:
Coaching Starter Pack:
5-10 Coaching Sessions: We focus on building blocks of best practice in Admission and Enrollment practice to launch your Admission professional.
School Year Coaching
Ongoing partner for your Admission professional to navigate tricky admission cases, build professional skill in Admission work, and think strategically about getting the right students in your school. We meet weekly for consistent, strong partnership in getting the job done right.
Let’s plan the right program for your team’s goals.
In one 4-hour session, learn the fundamentals of workplace personality and how to maximize each person’s natural talents to help your organization move forward.
Appreciate each other’s talents and recognize their areas of frustration to keep your work moving forward. See more on Working Genius over on this page.
Join a private group of admission and marketing professionals for monthly calls on issues that we all deal with and access to a private Facebook group and WhatsApp channel. Get started here.